Monday, January 4, 2010

Ring Tailed Lemar

The Ring Tailed Lemar lives in the forests of Madagascar that is the only place you will find the Ring Tailed Lemar. The Ring Tailed Lemar has rings around the tail that is how it gets it's name its coat is tan it has a white face and the rings around the tail is black and white the Lemar has a black nose and hands what has padding to clime and use it to hang and grab it's food and pointy ears. But the Ring Tailed Lemar can not hang on there tails like other primates. The Lemar spends most of its time in the tree tops watching out for predators it also spends a lot of time on the forest floor. Madagascar people eat Ring Tailed Lemar's and other tip of Lemar's the risen why the Ring Tailed Lemar are endangered is because loss or habitat people in Madagascar use the trees for houses and farm places for there cattle. The way to tell the differences between a male Ring Tailed Lemar and a females the males are larger and the females are smaller but the females lead the group they are the ones how protect there group from other groups. The Ring Tail Lemar's eat fruit which is the biggest part of there diet but they also eat leaves, flowers, tree bark and tree sap. They have 6 to 30 members in a Ring Tailed Lemar but the average group is about 17 in a group. The Ring Tailed Lemar is a mammal they are herbivore there life span in the wild is up to 18 years. There size head and body 17,75 in (45cm)Tail 21,75 in (55 cm) the Ring Tail Lemar's weight is 5 to 7,5 Ibs (2.3 to 3.4 kg) people call there troop a group but it is not called that it is troop. The Ring Tailed Lemar is on the endangered list because of the pouching and lost of forest and the trees beaning cut down and because of the cattle. So help the Ring Tailed Lemar out and bring them out of the endangered species list so go to a library and read more about these animals they are great animals.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Red Panda

Red Pandas live in China. They are in endangered in China. We need to help Red Pandas if they are all gone and some people what like Red Pandas are going to be all- sad and that is not good. Instead of killing them we should take care of them that would be better. We should enjoy them as wild animals instead of keeping them as pets because it is not healthy for the animal or the person. We can catch diseases.

The Red Pandas are the cousins of the Giant Pandas. They are almost the same but the Red Panda is all red and the tale only red and white they have sharp teeth and its face is all white and it only has a little bit of red. It has pointy ears and it has white in the front of the ears and red in the back of the ears. The Red Pandas are mammals. People did not think that it was a panda they that it was a raccoon because of its long bushy tail. They like to eat bamboo, small birds, small mammals and small reptiles. Clasping bamboo in a single forepaws with its long claws. They are very cute. You think that you can just touch the Red Panda but they will try to attack you. The reason why they will attack is because they will try to protect itself or the worst thing to do is to bother a mother Red Panda with its baby. They will not allow you to even touch the baby they will fight to death to protect their baby. The baby’s can’t do anything when they are just born so the mother has to put all her smarts into it. The mother will eat more then she could to make her baby survive if she does not eat so match then she will not provide enough milk. The male Red Panda will kill the babies so the mom has to be very careful. Thats the reason why there are not many Red Pandas. But it is not the only reason why they are going to be extinct people use their fur. But we can make a difference and stop killing them and then we can enjoy watching them in the wild. Would you enjoy that ? I now that I will. You should read more about them, go to an animal sanctuary or go to the library and read more about them.

BYE !Bye!